Saipem Spa
SAIPEM S.P.A is a subsidiary of ENI group and is one of the largest turnkey contractor in the oil and gas industry. SAIPEM has strategic local presence in emerging areas such as West Africa and FSU, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa and South East Asia. Saipem employs over 30,000 people comprising more than 100 nationalities.
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The consulting professionals of ENVIRON Italy offer clients an enviable blend of technical, scientific and regulatory expertise in environmental sciences and engineering, energy and climate change, and health and safety.
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CMRE (Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation)
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Marina Militare
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ISMAR conducts research in polar, oceanic and Mediterranean regions, focusing on the evolution of oceans and their continental margins, studying submarine volcanoes, faults and slides and their potential impacts onshore, the influence of climate change on oceanic circulation, submarine habitats and ecology.
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ISPRA performs the duties of Italian Environment Protection and Technical Services Agency, National Institute for Wildlife and Central Institute for Scientific and Technological Research applied to the Sea. The Institute acts under the vigilance and policy guidance of the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea.
sito web:
Fincosit Spa
Grandi Lavori Fincosit S.p.A. is specialized in the most important civil engineering sectors: building, infrastructures, marine works, plumbing and electric energy production.
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OGS is a multidisciplinary research institute in the field of Earth Science. According to its historical tradition of excellence and aimed at spreading knowledge and scientific culture, OGS operates and develops its own mission.
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ENEA is the name for Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
The Agency’s main research issues are: renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and new technologies.
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Università di Napoli Parthenope
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Case History
2024 Piston coring in the port of Genoa
Piston coring in the port of Genoa for the pre-engineering survey of the breakwater, performed for PerGenova Breakwater. Piston coring was carried out with classical methodology and Angel Descent…
2023 Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion
Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for TecnoAmbiente. Piston cores was performed with recovery rates up to 91% using Angel Descent…
2014 Piston core. Floating Wind Farm in the Gulf of Lion.
Piston core drilling in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for Igeotest (Client: EDF). Piston core drilling was performed with recovery rates up to 98%.……
2013 Piston Cores. Neptun Block Project in Black Sea
Piston Cores for Neptun Block Project in Black Sea, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro Alluvial, Client EXXON). Were executed 14 Piston Cores 15m long between 356 and 1090 meters…
2013 Piston Cores. Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group)
Piston Cores in an Italian Lake, carried out for Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group). For the first time were performed 6 Piston Cores in a lake up to 10 meters in length, with the aim of…
2012 Piston Cores. C.N.R. Adriatic Sea
Piston Cores in Adriatic Sea, carried out for ISMAR Bologna-CNR. Has been done 9 Piston Cores of 15 meters. 4 of these has been performed using the Angel Descent. For the first time, and with great…
2011 Piston Cores.
IGI Italy-Greece
Piston Cores for IGI Poseidon Project, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro, Client Edison). Has been executed 23 Piston Cores between 65 and 1350 meters water depth. The setup of…
2011 Piston Cores. Italian Harbour
Piston Cores for the engineering of an harbor design, carried out for Fincosit SpA. Has been requested to sample in 5-7 metres of water with a corer 8 metres long. To achieve this request has been…
2010 Piston Cores. Pre-engineering in Egypt
Piston Cores in Egypt for a pre-engineering survey, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Sub-Contractor Fugro, Contractor Technip, Client Burullus). Has been performed 15 metres cores and obtained…