Carmacoring S.r.l. carried out different project in recent years in Italy and abroad, for geotechnical purposes, environmental scope and scientific research.

Previously the Marine Geology Institute of CNR in Bologna had performed numerous surveys in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Ross Sea for PNRA (National Research Project in Antarctica-ENEA), making use of different sampling instruments designed by Angelo Magagnoli and now commercialized by Carmacoring S.r.l.

2010 Piston Cores. Pre-engineering in Egypt

Piston Cores in Egypt for a pre-engineering survey, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Sub-Contractor Fugro, Contractor Technip, Client…

2009 Cores with Carma® Corer SW-104. Italian Lakes

Cores with CARMA® Corer SW-104 in Italian lakes, carried out for Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA). Has been executed more than 100 cores with the…

2008 Piston Cores. C.N.R. Adriatic Sea

Piston Cores in Adriatic Sea, carried out for ISMAR Bologna-CNR. Has been done 18 Piston Cores of a variable length of 5-10-15 and 20 metres! For…

2006 Piston Cores. Pre-engineering in Indonesia

Carma carried out a geotechnical survey in 2006 in Makassar Strait (Indonesia), for a study concentrated on laying pipeline. The Active Piston Corer…

Oceanographic Survey for scientific research

I.G.M. of CNR in Bologna, for institutional research, had performed numerous surveys in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the…


Company profile

Carmacoring S.r.l. combines seabed survey experience with respect for the environment and work site safety, offering its clients a complete package and total reliability.

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