Date and Place of Birth: 12th December 1976, Bologna
Home Address: Via De Gasperi n° 15
40050 – Argelato (Bologna) Italy
Tel: +39 335 6911158
Fax: +39 051 892140
2005 Bachelor degree: Engineering of Environment and Territory, geoengineer direction, at University of Bologna. Laurea thesis: Research of sands deposit suitable for nourishment of coastal erosion. Supervisor: Dr. A. Correggiari.
2000 Bachelor degree: Engineering of Environment and Resources, environment direction, at University of Bologna. Laurea thesis: Research of sands off the northern coast of Marche region for nourishment of coastal erosion. Supervisor: Prof. P.V. Curzi.
1995 Technical College: Surveyor, secondary school I.T.C. Keynes S. Pietro in C. (Bo).
Work experience
From 14/03/2007
Carmacoring S.r.l. General Manager
05/2020: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Adriatic Sea using Carma® Corer SW-104 and Box Corer (Client: Saipem; Contractor: Next Geosolutions)
09-10/2019: Supervisor offshore as Saipem Rep. for an Inspection Survey of one pipeline “Green Stream”, performed by RINA
06/2019: Supervisor offshore as Saipem Rep. for an Inspection Survey of two pipelines “Nord Stream”, performed by MMT
06/2018: Supervisor onshore as Saipem Rep. for an Inspection Survey of two pipelines “Blue Stream”, performed by Fugro in Turkey
03/2018: Supervisor offshore as Saipem Rep. for an Inspection Survey of two pipelines “Blue Stream”, performed by Fugro
10/2017: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Mediterranean Sea using Carma® Piston Corer 12m long for a Wind Farm Project (Client: EDF; Contractor: G-Tec)
11/2016: Supervisor offshore as B.S.O.G. Rep. (Oil Company: Black Sea Oil & Gas) for a Geotechnical Survey in Black Sea, performed by MG3 Ltd
11/2015: Supervisor offshore as Saipem Rep. for an Inspection Survey of one pipeline “Green Stream”, performed by DeepOcean
09/2014: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Tyrrhenian Sea using Carma® Piston Corer 15m long (Client: C.N.R. Napoli) with Carma® Handling System and Carma Winch for the new coring method: Angel Descent
01/2014: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Mediterranean Sea using Carma® Piston Corer 10m long for a Wind Farm Project (Client: EDF; Contractor: Igeotest)
06-07/2013: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Black Sea using Carma® Piston Corer 15m long (Client: Exxon; Contractor: Fugro Alluvial; Sub-Contractor: D’Appolonia SpA)
05/2013: Party Chief for an environmental survey in Lago Maggiore (Italy) using Carma Piston Corer up to 10 meters long with Carma® Handling System and Carma Winch to use the new coring method: Angel Descent (Client: Environ)
03-04/2013: Supervisor on board as ENI Rep. for a Geophysical Survey, performed by Fugro Survey UK in Ghana with AUV Hugin 1000
06/2012: Party Chief for a scientific research survey in Adriatic Sea using Carma Piston Corer up to 15 meters long in water depth up to 1000m, with Carma® Handling System and Carma Winch for using new coring method: Angel Descent (Client: C.N.R. ISMAR)
11-12/2011: Supervisor on board as Saipem Rep. for a Geotechnical Survey, performed by Fugro Survey Middle East in Qatar with CPT and downhole sampling up to 100m bsf
08-09/2011: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Ionian Sea (Italy-Greece) using Carma® Piston Corer from 5 up to 15m long (Client: IGI-Edison; Contractor: Fugro; Sub-Contractor: D’Appolonia SpA)
05/2011: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in an Italian Harbour using Carma® Piston Corer 8m long in 5.6m water depth: new coring methodology called Angel Descent has been utilized (Client: Grandi Lavori Fincosit S.p.A.)
12/2010: Party Chief for an environmental survey in Mantova (Italy) using grab (Client: Environ Italy S.r.l.)
07/2010: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Mediterranean Sea (Egypt) using Carma® Piston Corer 15m long (Client: Burullus; Contractor: Technip; Sub-Contractor: Fugro-D’Appolonia SpA)
03 and 11/2010: Party Chief for an environmental survey in Lago Maggiore (Italy) using grab (Client: Environ Italy S.r.l.)
07-09/2009: Party Chief for an environmental survey in Lago Maggiore (Italy) using Carma® Corer SW-104 and grabs (Client: Environ Italy S.r.l.)
04/2009: Party Chief for a geotechnical survey in Ancona (Italy) using Carma® Corer SW-104 (Client: EcoTechSystems S.r.l.)
03/2009: Party Chief for an environmental survey in Lago Maggiore (Italy) using Carma® Corer SW-104 and grabs (Client: GeoPolaris S.r.l.)
05/2008: Party Chief for a scientific research survey in Adriatic Sea using jumbo Piston Corer CP-20 up to 20 meters long with Carma® Handling System in 1000m water depth and box corer (Client: C.N.R. ISMAR)
Party Chief for G.A.S. S.r.l. in Argentina for positioning of laying pipeline in Magellanean Strait
Party Chief for G.A.S. S.r.l. in Libya and Sicily for rig positioning
Party Chief for Ferrara University in Adriatic Sea for bathymetric survey
From 18/09/2000 to 13/03/2007
Freelance in Marine Geophysics, Geotechnical study and Environmental Engineer:
02-04/2006: “Geotechnical Survey for GENDALO and MAHA – Makassar Strait” (Indonesia) for Chevron, utilizing Jumbo Piston Corer CP-20 up to 30 metres long, Trigger Corer, Gravity Corer and Box Corer
G.A.S. Geological Assistance and Services s.r.l.
2005 & 2006: Site/Logistic Manager in Aktau, G.A.S. Branch Kazakhstan
- 2 months supervisor for geophisical and geotechnical pre-engineering offshore and nearshore surveys of Kashagan Field (Kazakhstan)
Snamprogetti S.p.A.
- supervisor on board at inspection and maintenance of pipelines which cross Sicily Straight, performed by Fugro Survey Ltd with ROV
- technical specifications and reports editor
RESON Mediterranean s.r.l.
- data acquisition side scan sonar
POLARIS s.r.l.
- drawing and technical report writer
G.A.S. Geological Assistance and Services s.r.l.
- surveyor with DGPS system and Syledis in Mediterranean Sea, Mozambique Channel and Tierra del Fuego
- acquisition and interpretation of seismic profiles (side scan sonar and sub bottom profiler) and magnetometer data in Mediterranean Sea and Mozambique Channel
- data acquisition of multibeam Simrad and Reson in Marmara Sea, Caspian Sea and Sicily Straight
- processing of multibeam data
- surveyor for accuracy surveys of rivers and beaches with RTK, static and kinematic method
- geotechnician with vibrocorer, gravity and box corer in Adriatic Sea and Tirrenian Sea
- geotechnician with piston corer in Adriatic Sea
- technical report writer
Nominate party chief for:
- Geotechnical survey with vibrocorer and box corer in Caspian Sea
- vibrocorer off the coast of Lazio Region, committed by University “La Sapienza” of Rome
- topographic survey with RTK in Lido Adriano and Lido di Dante (Ravenna), committed by ENI div. AGIP Milano
- mapping of posidonia oceanica of Malta, Gozo and Comino sea bed with side scan sonar, committed by Government of Malta
Main clients:
ENI div. AGIP Milano, ENI div. AGIP KCO, ENI div. SAIPEM, ALCATEL, Pan American Energy, Snamprogetti, T.M.P.C. Ltd, C.N.R., Chevron.
From 1 to 15/9/2000
Occasional collaborations at technical office “Dott. De Nuzzo Silvio – Topografia e Geologia” for topographic survey with total station instrument
Participation in exhibitions and conferences
05/2013 Presentation at the Seminar organized by Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, entitled “Recent developments in piston coring of seafloor sediments” – Certificate_Magagnoli_UPC.pdf
09/2012 Speech at the Congress in Brazil entitled “4th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization” – Certificado.pdf
From 24/4 to 3/5/2002 Participation to research cruise “COSTA 2002” on board of C.N.R. ship in Adriatic Sea organized by Science Marine Department for geotechnical survey in Adriatic Sea using jumbo corer and box corer.
From 9/5 to 18/5/2000 Participation in research cruise “COSTA 2000” on board of C.N.R. ship in Adriatic Sea organized by Science Marine Department for geotechnical survey in Adriatic Sea using jumbo corer and box corer.
5/5/1998 Workshop at University of Bologna organized by AGIP: “Project of an expert system for geological risk valuation in exploration”
I have participated in many workshops and conventions.
Participation in education and training courses
23/05/2018 Privacy
19/02/2021 BOSIET training course (safety and survival at sea)
15/09/2017 Norwegian medical certificate
01/11/2011 H2S training course
17/6/2009 Training course for first aid
From 25 to 27/05/2009 BOSIET training course (safety and survival at sea)
26/5/2009 H2S training course
From 10/1 to 16/3/2005 Stage at Science Marine Department of C.N.R. to write the thesis in Engineering of Environment and Territory
From 15 to 19/12/2003 Training course at Snamprogetti S.p.A. for data analysis of submarine pipelines inspections in deep water
12/10/2003 HSE training at AGIP KCO in Kazakhstan
From 9/2 to 11/7/2000 Stage at Science Marine Department of C.N.R.
Scientific publications
2019 “Evaluation of disturbance induced on soft offshore sediments by two types of gravity piston coring techniques.“ P. Tommasi, A. Avalle, F. Budillon, R. Romeo, A. Caburlotto, A. Conforti, G. Di Martino, A. Pagliaroli, M. Magagnoli, R. Urgeles, J. Llopart, A. Camerlenghi. Marine Geology, 417 106005
2016 “A New Coring Method in deep water”. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, Taylor & Francis Group, London
2015 “Report of SAOS 2014 Cruise (Stability Assessment of an Open Slope), Licosa submarine landslide survey” (R/V Urania, September, 2nd-10th, 2014). Budillon F., Magagnoli M., Tommasi P., Tonielli R., Zgur F., Avalle A., Conforti A., Di Martino G., Facchin L., Felsani M., Innangi S., Mercadante A., Romeo R., Sormani L. and Visnovic G. 2015. Solar database, CNR,
2013 “Large Diameter Piston Coring for Geotechnical and Geohazard Applications”: poster at “6th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences” in Kiel (Germany).
2012 “A New Coring Method: Controlled Penetration Speed“. Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 – Coutinho & Mayne (Eds) Taylor & Francis Group, London.
2001 “Research of sands off the coast of Marche region for nourishment of coastal erosion”, P.V. Curzi, M. Magagnoli et al., Boll. Uff. of Geol. Ass., Emilia-Romagna, anno II n. 5, 5-15.
2000 “COSTA-2000 CRUISE REPORT”, F. Trincardi et al., COntinental Slope sTAbility, I.G.M. (C.N.R.).
MAGAGNOLI M. (2011). “A new coring method: controlled penetration speed”.
Patent No. 1407891 registered in Italy on 05/10/2011.
Owner of the patent: Carmacoring Srl.
Computer knowledge
DOS, Windows;
applicazioni: Office, AutoCAD, Microstation, Adobe, Isis, PDS2000, Hydro, NavPro, Hypack
Foreign languages
Inglese: scritto, parlato, ascoltato e letto buono
Corso intensivo di lingua inglese presso la Eastbourne School of English (East-Sussex, UK – ott. nov. dic. 1998) e presso la L.S.I. New Zealand
Spagnolo: scritto, parlato, ascoltato e letto buono
Corso intensivo di lingua spagnola presso la Academia Tica (San Coronado de San Josè, Costa Rica) e all’Havana University (Cuba)
Portoghese: scritto, parlato, ascoltato e letto sufficiente
Company profile
Carmacoring S.r.l. combines seabed survey experience with respect for the environment and work site safety, offering its clients a complete package and total reliability.
Case History
2024 Piston coring in the port of Genoa
Piston coring in the port of Genoa for the pre-engineering survey of the breakwater, performed for PerGenova Breakwater. Piston coring was carried out with classical methodology and Angel Descent…
2023 Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion
Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for TecnoAmbiente. Piston cores was performed with recovery rates up to 91% using Angel Descent…
2014 Piston core. Floating Wind Farm in the Gulf of Lion.
Piston core drilling in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for Igeotest (Client: EDF). Piston core drilling was performed with recovery rates up to 98%.……
2013 Piston Cores. Neptun Block Project in Black Sea
Piston Cores for Neptun Block Project in Black Sea, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro Alluvial, Client EXXON). Were executed 14 Piston Cores 15m long between 356 and 1090 meters…
2013 Piston Cores. Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group)
Piston Cores in an Italian Lake, carried out for Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group). For the first time were performed 6 Piston Cores in a lake up to 10 meters in length, with the aim of…
2012 Piston Cores. C.N.R. Adriatic Sea
Piston Cores in Adriatic Sea, carried out for ISMAR Bologna-CNR. Has been done 9 Piston Cores of 15 meters. 4 of these has been performed using the Angel Descent. For the first time, and with great…
2011 Piston Cores.
IGI Italy-Greece
Piston Cores for IGI Poseidon Project, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro, Client Edison). Has been executed 23 Piston Cores between 65 and 1350 meters water depth. The setup of…
2011 Piston Cores. Italian Harbour
Piston Cores for the engineering of an harbor design, carried out for Fincosit SpA. Has been requested to sample in 5-7 metres of water with a corer 8 metres long. To achieve this request has been…
2010 Piston Cores. Pre-engineering in Egypt
Piston Cores in Egypt for a pre-engineering survey, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Sub-Contractor Fugro, Contractor Technip, Client Burullus). Has been performed 15 metres cores and obtained…