Jumbo VibroCorer

Jumbo VibroCorer Carma®

After the samples obtained with our other Corers on fine sediment, we now also reach coarser sediments with the Jumbo VibroCorer.

JVC is a new VibroCorer with a barrel length of 6 meters and a weight of 8.200 Kg.

The innovation of this Vibro corer is the self-recovery system: once penetration is complete, a command from the deck returns the iron barrel to its original position. This greatly reduces the possibility of bending the barrels during extraction. With this feature, a ship with DP is not mandatory.

The Jumbo VibroCorer will arrive horizontally on board: the patented tilting system allows for the instrument to be positioned horizontally when close to the water surface through the action of two hydraulic cylinders. This tilting system enables the tube and structure to be positioned horizontally and readied to start the liner extrusion operation (diameter 110mm in transparent polycarbonate). This capability facilitates operations in rougher seas since the center of gravity of the instrument, when horizontal, will be significantly lower than the center of gravity of the classic vertical vibrocorer.

Furthermore, it is possible to interrupt the penetration at the desired depth thanks to the dedicated software used by operators on deck. The Client can monitor the performance of the instrument in real-time with the same software from his office, on board, or on land.

The Corer is equipped with 4 retractable stabilizers, independently hydraulically operated and equipped with a transducer, to always know the instantaneous position of each support foot with respect to the structure; the leveling function is provided by an inclinometer connected to the dedicated software. The features of the stabilizers allow to sample bottoms with slopes up to 34°! For seabeds with very low specific pressure, it is possible to equip the four stabilizers with the increased support area.

The vibrator is unidirectional with hydraulic drive, and its Force and Frequency are adjustable (0 – 54 KN and 0 – 2200 rpm/1° RPM, respectively).

There is also a quick release plier on the tube which enables quick attachment/release of the core barrel: in an extreme emergency it is possible to free the machine and abandon the barrel stuck in the seabed. This possibility is not likely, as the extraction thrust exerted with the four stabilizers reaches 200 KN in total.

The VibroCorer is controlled via a touchscreen with an umbilical cable connected to the general electrical panel and equipped with an output port for downloading data: the various working parameters and machine settings will be shown in real time on the display. The telemetry data that can be seen online from the remote-control monitor. In addition to the inclinometer and frequency, the altimeter and real-time penetration are visible.

The JVC is moved with two cables to a maximum depth of 250 meters: the dedicated winch has a 20-ton load-bearing cable. The second cable is a constant tension winch and is used for data and power transmission. In case of work in shallow water there is the capability of using the on-board crane wire and our power/data cable in place of the winch.


Case History

Carma® Handling system (LARS)

Carma® Handling system (LARS)

In recent months Carmacoring has created a new controlled handling system, fast and safe for long corers of up to 30 meters.
The new launching system is made up of reticular modules of triangular sections 5 meters long each (easily stored in containers), jointly in-line using commercial bolts.
Every module is supplied with a roller to make the insertion of the corer barrel into the head (slotted in a proper cradle) easier and without difficulty, due to the aligned points of support considered in the project.
As projected in the original design, the total symmetry of the structure has been considered in order to be mounted either on the starboard bulkhead or on the port bulkhead of any vessel suited for the scope.
Together with lattices, appropriate supports located onboard permit an easy mounting of the line of barrels and relative translation overboard. In fact they, too, are supplied with rollers that, due to the possibility of regulation of the brackets upon which they are fixed, permit them to reach the same height of the rollers overboard, allowing operation on the same plane.
Such characteristics distinguish the system’s ductility, rendering it utilizable on a wide range of vessels.

The New Handling System has been utilized in a sampling survey in the Adriatic Sea managed by C.N.R. (Italian National Research Council) – ISMAR Bologna.
Due to the interest and trust grant obtained by Party Chief Dr. Fabio Trincardi, the new handling system has been mounted on the Oceanographic Vessel R/V Urania, made up of 4 reticular modules 5 meters long each connected to the cradle.

It has permitted the execution of long cores up to 20 meters, optimizing launching time and recovery of the instrument. In fact the rotation of the lattice of 90°, then the corer from horizontal position to vertical and vice versa, has taken place with an average time of less than a minute.
To underline further the practicality of the execution, it has since been sufficient to utilize only one crane to manage the entire manoeuvre.
The utilization of this new system has thus demonstrated its efficacy and secure control of launching on the sea of very long sampling instruments and, especially, in operative conditions of maximum safety for operators.


Dr. Fabio Trincardi (Director of ISMAR – C.N.R.)

Captain Vincenzo Lubrano Lavadera (R/V Urania – So.Pro.Mar. S.p.A.)

Carma® Handling system (LARS)

Carma® Handling system (LARS)

Case History

Cylindrical Dredge

Draga cilindrica

This instrument has been utilised since the seventies to tear up and collect rock samples, concretion and calcrete from slope outcroppings.

The dredge is composed of a large thick iron cylinder: 500 mm in diameter and 1200 mm in length, 250 Kg in weight. The front is equipped with alloy steel teeth, whereas the rear part carries a grill with square holes large enough to allow the mud to flow through while keeping the blocks of the rocky outcrop in.

The dredge operation has to be supported by an adequate winch, able to drag and support stress of up to 10.000 Kg.

It is recommended to apply a count-meter and a dynamometer to the winch, in order to verify the tension data on the wire on-line. Simultaneously this data can be sent to a program that will graph the trend.


G. Busatti, P. Colantoni, A. Magagnoli, M. Mengoli – Il dragaggio del fondo marino strumentazioni e metodologie – Rapporto Tecnico n. 14, IGM – CNR, Bologna, 1981.

Cylindrical Dredge

Case History

Angel Descent

Angel Descent

The need for accurate and undisturbed core samples has led to the development of this new coring method with controlled penetration speed, in order to obtain sediment samples with more accurate outcomes.

Based on the water depth, this methodology, called “Angel Descent“, can be applied in different ways: in shallow water the corer is connected to a winch or a crane with variable speed control, while the piston is tied off to a fixed point on board with a very resistant rope; this rope runs down the length of the corer and attaches to the top of the piston. The configuration of the Carma® Piston Corer has three variable components: the weight of the corer head, the length of the corer tube and the configuration of the active piston. In shallow water, other variables do not need to be considered: the elasticity of the cable is insignificant and the height of the free fall -along with the slack- do not come into play when using this new methodology.

For deep waters has been designed a special winch: Carma® Winch. This instrument, connected to the main cable, located just above the trigger, will allow the penetration speed to be controlled. The configuration variations of the corer would remain more or less unchanged, given that the height of the free fall will be set to zero, as will the slack. The elasticity of the cable will not, however, be insignificant, but this problem can finally be solved. Usually, the cable snaps back once released, after it stretches out due to the weight it sustains, depending on the depth of the job at hand. With this new method, the problem is solved because the mass of the corer – which weighs on the main cable – gradually, declines: the speed of the backlash of the main cable will be less than the speed of penetration of the coring tube in the seabed, thus allowing a much better result to be obtained.

The method of controlled penetration speed can also be used in geotechnical or environmental studies, for example in the dating of undisturbed samples for determining the time-line of human affected events when dealing with environmental issues such as contamination and pollution.

Angel Descent - Italian Harbour

Angel Descent

Case History

Carma® Corer SW-104

Carma® Corer SW-104

Carma® Corer SW-104 is a light corer, 100 Kg maximum, designed with the purpose of recovering cores of clayey or slightly sandy sediments.

It is ideal for marine and lacustrine environments where studies of pollution, eutrophication, nutrient and metal interface fluxes, interstitial waters, radionuclide inventories take place, and for determining sedimentation rates as well as the vast array of interchanges that occur in the superficial sediments of the aquatic environment.

Main Components of the Carma® Corer SW-104

The Carma® Corer SW-104 is made up of five main elements: the Head, the Core Tube, the Nose with core catcher, the “water-containment” valve and the Liner.

The Core Tube is made up of a thin tube of stainless-steel ø 114.3 mm, 1.5 mm thick, long 2008 mm (maximum length), 1354 mm or 654 mm (minimum length). It supports a transparent liner (110 mm diameter, 3 mm thick) that contains the sediment core and bottom water sample by way of a lower barrier in the form of a duck closing device and an upper water-containment valve. The load-bearing lattice, one with the core tube, consists of the arming, closure and recovery mechanisms; in addition it supports the dead weight made up of masses from 17 Kg to 100 Kg.

The unique qualifying aspects of the new instrument are the following:

  • Maximum reduction of disturbance of the core, in particular on top;
  • Recovery ratio of the penetration close to 100%;
  • Absence of water percolation from the top of the core towards the bottom;
  • Bottom closure mechanism that allows the undisturbed vertical extraction of the core sample;
  • Easily changeable mass;
  • Large core diameter of 104 mm (surface area of 85 cm2) that permits detailed sub-sampling and restores an undisturbed nucleus;
  • Instrument made up of anti-oxidant material to avoid contamination;
  • Maximum adaptability to diverse operating conditions.

Coring technique

The best technique is that using gravity speed controlled/reduced by a winch.
The gravity corer SW-104 is equipped with an aluminium service tri-pod: a variable-tilt carrier can hold the corer in a vertical position or at different angles to optimise on-board operations on the corer itself or on the recovered sample.

Industrial property

The Carma® Corer SW-104 has obtained the registering of a design patent.
Title: “Apparecchiatura di carotaggio per la campionatura di fondali fangosi e sabbiosi”
Holder: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Inventor: Angelo Magagnoli & Maurizio Mengoli

Carma® Corer SW-104

Case History

Carma® Piston Corer

Carma® Piston Corer

The newly-designed Carma® Piston Corer has been conceived to retrieve cores of large diameter (100 mm) up to 30 m long, essential for studies of sedimentary basins characterized by a large thickness of fine sediment and to sample ancient stratigraphic layers. The innovative and technological solutions used to realize the active piston allow for the reduction of compressive strength on the sedimentary strata as well as a reduction of the stress on the core top caused by the barrel’s penetration, thus avoiding breakage of the core and the liner’s implosion.

The aspiration control device of the active piston allows us to easily achieve a recovery ratio of 90%. Hvorslev (1949) defines “recovery ratio” as the ratio between the length of the sample recovered and the penetration of the barrels. Therefore with this instrument, it is possible to have at your disposal a sample that completely reproduces the original stratigraphy and composition of the sea bottom.

Main components of Carma® Piston Corer

  • Head: consisting of a cylindrical iron weight (variable), providing the necessary momentum for the instrument to penetrate.
  • Steering fins: a hydrodynamic structure designed to maintain the vertical position of the device during free fall.
  • Barrel: composed of stainless-steel 5m-long elements of elevated mechanical strength that can be joined to make up a 10, 15 or more metre barrel.
  • Liner: is in PVC with a 100 mm external diameter, 3 mm thickness, and is placed inside the barrel to be filled with sediment during core penetration.
  • Nose, cutter and core catcher: the lowermost part of the barrel is reinforced by a core nose which ends with a cutter, designed to facilitate core penetration, and includes a catcher, designed to hold the sediment inside the liner when the core is pulled out of the seafloor.
  • Connecting sleeves: designed to rapidly and efficiently join barrel elements by using circular straps instead of using bolts or screws.

Active Piston

The Piston is the most important component of the corer, because it allows for the attainment of long and high-quality core samples from the seabed, characterized by alternating mud and sand layers on which we can perform the study of sedimentary basins from a geological, environmental or paleoclimatic point of view, as well as other relative studies (neotectonic evolution, gravity instability and submarine landslide). These studies are of great importance to off-shore activities, as well as to the control and the limitation of exploitation of the continental platform.

The “active piston” is powered by an automatic mechanism situated at the base of the core barrel. It is able to create a strong suction on the sediment necessary to overcome the friction around the inside walls and facilitate the entrance of the core into the liner.
The piston contains a sphere interception valve controlled by a spring that opens and closes the hydraulic communication between the chambers, until the end of the penetration.

The central cylinder is equipped with some extractable pin valves that in case of a strong depression existing between the piston and the core, or in case of exceeding limits, are activated autonomously during the working phase. In fact, one or more pins can be taken out of their location to restore the right hydraulic pressure in order to avoid the breakage of the core and the liner’s implosion.

The configuration of the Piston Corer CP-20 is variable in weight (from 650 to 2150 Kg) and length (up to 30 metres), in order to choose the right setting for the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil to be penetrated.

Coring Technique

The best technique is the new controlled penetration speed. Depending from the water depth, the new method, called “Angel Descent“, can be used in two different ways: in deep water the Carma® Winch permit the sampling following the patented methodology. In shallow water, up to 30m, is not needful the new winch.

Alternatively has been reached so far very good results using the traditional technique of the free-fall, activated by a mechanical release system applied on the main wire and hooked to the eyebolt’s corer. It consists of a trigger, a counter-weight and a wire-releaser of a determined length depending on the height of the chosen fall.

Coring data acquisition

An accessory instrument essential to the reconstruction of events during the coring is made up of a loaded cell on the snatch block and it provides a digital output for on-line acquisition of the main wire’s strength data.
This data produces a dynamometric graph, which points out the significant events during the coring phase: the corer’s descent, the release, the seabed impact, the penetration, the extraction and the recovery.

A new instrument purchased by Carmacoring for a deep study of the coring dynamics is the accelerometer. Fixed at the corer head, records the acceleration every 2 milliseconds, up to a maximum depth of 3000 metres. See the picture where is possible detect the free-fall and the penetration phase.

Graph Accelerometer


  • A. Magagnoli: “CP-20” Carotiere a pistone per carote di sedimento lunghe fino a venti metri. Technical Report n.83, CNR – ISMAR – Sez. Geologia Marina, Bologna, November 2003. (“CP-20 Piston corer for sediment cores up to twenty metres long).
  • A.Magagnoli: Sistema Universale per il brandeggio di carotiere lungo venti metri. Technical Report n. 85, CNR – ISMAR – Sez. Geologia Marina, Bologna, December 2003.


Registered patent as utility model related to the Corer
Registered patent as design patent regarding the Active Piston
Holder: Research National Council – Rome, Italy
Inventor: Angelo Magagnoli – Bologna, Italy

Carma® Piston Corer

Case History

Gravity Corer

Gravity Corer

This is an instrument of great strength and easy to use, suitable for coring a seafloor characterised by sediment with different lithological compositions, even compact or soft cemented.

Main components of Gravity Corer

  • Head: consisting of a cylindrical galvanized iron mass with a variable weight of 200 to 800 Kg which provides the momentum necessary for the instrument to penetrate into the sedimentary layers.
  • Barrel: in galvanized iron with a 105 mm external diameter and a variable length of 2 to 6 metres. A longer dimension is achievable by using a proper connecting sleeve. Inside the barrel a liner in PVC meets the right housing, with a 90 mm external diameter (84 internal), implemented to hold the sample.
  • Nose, including cutter and catcher: the lowermost part of the barrel is reinforced by a core nose which ends with a stainless-steel cutter. A device with 4 spades of triangular shape locks the nose needed to keep the sample during the corer’s recovery. The closure of the spades is controlled by the liner at the start of the extraction of the seabed.

Coring Technique

The most common techniques are two:

  • Gravity: lowering the corer at the maximum speed permitted by the winch until it impacts with the seafloor.
  • Free-fall: activated by a mechanical release system applied on the main wire and hooked to the eyebolt’s corer. It consists of a trigger, a counter-weight and a wire-releaser of a determined length depending on the height of the chosen fall.

 “Angel Descent” method can be used in deep and shallow water.

Coring data acquisition

A loaded cell on the snatch block, an accessory instrument essential to the reconstruction of events during the coring, provides a digital output for on-line acquisition of the main wire’s strength data.

This data produces a tensiometric graph, which points out the significant events during the coring phase: the corer’s descent, the release, the seabed impact, the penetration, the extraction and the recovery.

A new instrument purchased by Carmacoring for a deep study of the coring dynamics is the accelerometer. Fixed at the corer head, records the acceleration every 2 milliseconds, up to a maximum depth of 3000 meters.


G. Busatti, A. Magagnoli, M. Mengoli: Carotiere a gravità 1.2 T. Rapporto Tecnico n. 13, C.N.R. – Istituto di Geologia Marina, Bologna, 1980.

Gravity Corer

Case History

Light Box Corer

Box Corer Leggero

This is an instrument intended for the recovery of superficial samples of the seabed which are then held in a metal box. The sample collected is characterized by a low rate of disturbance to the sedimentary structure and includes the bottom water sample.

The Box Corer is made up of a rectangular basement in galvanized iron tapered on the higher portion.
When the Box Corer touches the seabed, a tubular column in the square section descends and a trigger device releases the shovel which will recover the sample.

The column can house up to 5 rectangular weights of 14 Kg each, in order to obtain the correct weight and thrust on the box.
The box, stainless-steel plated, has been positioned on the lower part and has a removable side with a bayonet coupling to directly observe the lithological characteristics of the sample without causing any disturbance.

Operational technique

Let the Box Corer down armed until it impacts with the floor. Afterwards the release of the column takes place and then the penetration of the box into the sediment. The wire of the winch has to be reeled in slowly in order to obtain the correct rotation of the shovel and the closure of the box.

Box corer's characteristics

N. 5 modular rectangular masses in lead, 14 Kg each.
Total weight: 80 Kg
Dimension of box: 170×170 mm; height: 250 mm; volume: 7.2 litres

Light Box Corer

Case History


Van Veen

The must common grab is the Van Veen, consisting of two contrasting valves, centrally hinged and that lean on the seafloor in an open position. Afterwards, the valves close by way of traction on the main wire, thus collecting the sample and returning immediately to the surface.

Carmacoring S.r.l. provides different sizes of the Van Veen grab:

Light Van Veen:
Dimension of the valves: 260×130 mm
Volume: 3.5 litres
Weight: 10 Kg

Van Veen 25 Litres
Stainless steel grab
Dimension of the valves: 540×250 mm (height 270mm)
Two weights removable of 2 Kg each in stainless steel
Weight in air: 34 Kg minimum; 38 Kg maximum (with all the weights applied)
Two inspection windows

Heavy Van Veen:
Dimension of the valves: 600×280 mm
Volume: 40.0 litres
Weight: varies in modular weight from 30 to 50 Kg (in the air).


Another kind of grab is the Shipek model, which collects the sample in a semi-cylindrical box, kept open until impact with the seabed. At the moment of impact, a pre-loaded spring triggers a rotation of the box which house the enclosed sample undisturbed until it surfaces.

Volume of the scoop: 3 litres


Case History