From March 12th to March 14th, London
Presentationof the newJumbo VibroCorer

At Oceanology 2024 we will present the new coring equipment at our stand N400: after the samples obtained with our other Corers on fine sediment, we now also reach coarser sediments with the Jumbo VibroCorer.
This 8.2 tons instrument with a 6 meter tube for depths up to 250 meters has different peculiarities:
- Self-recover system of the barrel, in order to avoid barrel’s bend and possibility to use Vessels without DP system!
- The tilting of the Vibrocorer takes place through the action of two hydraulic cylinders. This makes easier the launch and recover of the equipment.
- Telemetry and remote control that includes:
- real time penetration monitor and interruption in case of target reached;
- inclinometer;
- altimeter.
- Possibility for the Clients to check the performance in real time from their office.
- Extraction thrust of 200 KN. If that’s not enough, the quick release tube clamp frees the vibrocorer and leaves only the barrel on the seabed.
- 4 retractable stabilizers, independently hydraulically controlled and equipped with transducer, to always know the instantaneous position of each support foot in relation to the structure. The automatic leveling function is given by an inclinometer connected to the dedicated software.
- Jumbo Vibrocorer is fitting with TRT equipment!
Visit the exhibition
Oceanology International 2024, London:
From March 12th to March 14th, London.
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Case History
January 8, 2025
2024 Piston coring in the port of Genoa
Piston coring in the port of Genoa for the pre-engineering survey of the breakwater, performed for PerGenova Breakwater. Piston coring was carried out with classical methodology and Angel Descent…
March 5, 2024
2023 Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion
Piston cores in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for TecnoAmbiente. Piston cores was performed with recovery rates up to 91% using Angel Descent…
March 5, 2021
2014 Piston core. Floating Wind Farm in the Gulf of Lion.
Piston core drilling in the Gulf of Lion for a pre-engineering survey of a floating Wind Farm, performed for Igeotest (Client: EDF). Piston core drilling was performed with recovery rates up to 98%.……
January 13, 2021
2013 Piston Cores. Neptun Block Project in Black Sea
Piston Cores for Neptun Block Project in Black Sea, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro Alluvial, Client EXXON). Were executed 14 Piston Cores 15m long between 356 and 1090 meters…
January 13, 2021
2013 Piston Cores. Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group)
Piston Cores in an Italian Lake, carried out for Environ Srl (Client Syndial SpA – ENI Group). For the first time were performed 6 Piston Cores in a lake up to 10 meters in length, with the aim of…
January 13, 2021
2012 Piston Cores. C.N.R. Adriatic Sea
Piston Cores in Adriatic Sea, carried out for ISMAR Bologna-CNR. Has been done 9 Piston Cores of 15 meters. 4 of these has been performed using the Angel Descent. For the first time, and with great…
January 13, 2021
2011 Piston Cores.
IGI Italy-Greece
Piston Cores for IGI Poseidon Project, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Contractor Fugro, Client Edison). Has been executed 23 Piston Cores between 65 and 1350 meters water depth. The setup of…
January 13, 2021
2011 Piston Cores. Italian Harbour
Piston Cores for the engineering of an harbor design, carried out for Fincosit SpA. Has been requested to sample in 5-7 metres of water with a corer 8 metres long. To achieve this request has been…
January 13, 2021
2010 Piston Cores. Pre-engineering in Egypt
Piston Cores in Egypt for a pre-engineering survey, carried out for D’Appolonia SpA (Sub-Contractor Fugro, Contractor Technip, Client Burullus). Has been performed 15 metres cores and obtained…